Renske Heringa
Final Assesment
Renske Heringa
Sketches, moodboards and research
Sounds in my room
Making my own bell
Looking for sounds in my room, creating my own sounds that give me peace.
The sounds can't be too quick or loud, preferably with rhythm.
I made my own bell, and put it in my open window. With the
rhythm of the wind it 'klinkels'. So the sound also represents the fresh air flowing in.
My dorm room is quite small, according to the Feng Shui rules this is extremely bad for the 'good energy' in the room. For example there can't be any tech/tv in your bedroom but in your living room it is possible.
I looked at different kinds of 'wind' in my room. Breathe, natural wind and movement. The downside of breath and movement is that it can quicken. When you're stressed you breathe in more quickly and short breathes. The natural wind has long strokes which causes slow sounds/movements.
Sinse the corona outbreak and me staying inside more I have had a increase of panic attacks.
I am looking for ways to transform my surrounding so it helps me with this problem.
Second test
= fail